For the past two summers, my family has ventured to my aunt and uncle's lake home on the Lake of the Ozarks. The trips continue to get more interesting as more and more kids are added to the group! This year was no different!
Here's most of the fam in front of my aunt and uncles house.
Oh, yes, you're seeing that right...we get matching t-shirts, courtesy of my good friends at Sportswear Graphics in Ft. Worth, TX!
We spent plenty of time on the boat and in the water.

Some of the kiddos even jumped off of the cliffs. I was too scared to.

My dad even got in some good nap time on the back of the boat

We ate really well and constantly

And we took a lot of family photos! (Check out my sister's baby bump!)
OK, you can't see it that well with the big t-shirt on so I threw in another one for good measure:

All in all it was a great weekend, thanks Kenny and Mary for hosting again!