I think I've talked before about how he has twitter...he likes to post recipes, farming advice, and in general, make weird comments. He says he does it to get a reaction from people.
A post that he put up last night is getting reactions from people:
Seriously? Nice erection?
Here's the picture; I'm not flipping it around because this is how he posted it to Facebook:
I now get emails and Facebook messages from friends saying things like this:
Or this:
Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on who you ask), these comments and this blog will only encourage him to post similar things. Oh, dad....
So, if you didn't already know this about me, I grew up in a very small town in KS. My graduating class had 21 people in it. Two. One. That's it.
I went to college and moved to Kansas City, thinking that I'd be there for quite some time. I love KC. Most of my friends live there. My sister, brother in law, and nephew live there, and it's only an hour and a half from my parents and most of the rest of my family. All of that changed, however, when I met my hubby, Lincoln.
He grew up in a small town also--only slightly bigger than the town that I grew up in, but both are in the same vicinity.
Once we'd been dating for awhile, we both knew that marriage was in our future. We also knew that one of us would have to move.
For me, there really wasn't much thought put into it; I knew that moving back to where he lived and where I grew up was probably the best choice for us. Not only were both of our parents close by, but there's something about growing up in a smaller community that draws you back in.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't think that I'd be moving back here quite so soon, or ever for that matter, but once I had the chance to, I knew that's what would be best for us. I also knew that I'd moving away from a lot of conveniences that I'd grown accustomed to in Kansas City.
The town that we live in now doesn't exactly have a great variety of restaurants or a nail salon on every corner!
My life in KC was great,
busy, but great. But when I come back home, life slows down a little. People
care more about your well-being. And family is just a short drive (or walk)
away. Besides not having a plethora of restaurants to choose from or the best shopping centers to go to, nothing is really that different. I mean I still have a gym to go to, we still eat out, there are plenty of community events to go to and/or join, AND, get this, I just got my first set of golf clubs so that I can play in women's league at the Country Club. I don't golf. At all. But the rules said that I could throw or kick the ball if I needed to!
A friend of mine called the other night and while I'm sure she thought what she said was funny and didn't realize what she said was offensive...it was a little offensive to me. Here's the conversation:
Friend: Hey pal! Kristin: Hey! What's up?! F: Not much, what are you up to? K: Not a lot, just talking to Lincoln. F: Aww, that's cute, so small town of you! K: Huh? F: That's so cute, and so small town! K: Talking to my husband is small town??? I don't get it. F: Ha!
Maybe I'm out of it...but I thought most people talked to their husband/boyfriend/fiance/roommate once they got home from work?
There's a chance I'm being too sensitive, but living in a small town isn't such a bad thing....maybe it's because we've been married a month (TODAY!), but we make time to talk to one another, eat dinner together, and hang out together when we're at home. To me, that's just what couples do--not just us small town folk.
I should really get back to writing on this blog of mine, huh? Things have been a little crazy, to say the least. In the past month, I have:
Quit my job
Gotten married
Went on a honeymoon
Moved more stuff
Started a new job
And I'm currently in the process of selling my house which will require moving even more stuff
The good news is, I should have all the time in the world to write about stuff going on and I have plenty of things to share with you...I just need to get my house sold so that we can move the last of my things to our house.
In case you were wondering, here are a few pics from our wedding, along with the blog put together by our talented photographer, Amanda Eaton.
It really was the best day ever; we had PERFECT weather, everything went as planned, all of our friends and family were there, and we had the best time sharing our day with everyone!