Oh, hi everyone. Sorry I've been a little MIA this week, I've been a busy bee...and trying to avoid tornadoes and stuff.
So, Kansas weather is crazy, y'all.
I'm sure if any of you have been watching the news lately that you've seen/heard about the tornadoes in Joplin, MO. A tornado that pretty much wiped out the entire city. Joplin is only a little over two hours from Kansas City.
Hundreds are still missing and just over 120 have been confirmed dead.
The images on the news look like something that should be in a movie and not in real life.

Today at work, we had to take cover in the basement/storm shelter because funnel clouds were spotted just blocks away from the corporate offices that I work in.
It's one thing to be stuck at home in a tornado warning...but it's another being stuck in a basement with 300+ people and having no idea what's going on outside.
While I know that it's going to take quite a bit of time for Joplin to recover from this crazy storm, every little bit counts.
At work we've gone through our apparel closets and are donating a bunch of clothes, as well as hosting donation drives for both money and other supplies needed.
If you'd like to make a much needed donation, please go here.